New Delhi, Feb 15, 2017: Embarking on a historic journey, Indian rocket Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) on Wednesday morning lifted off successfully with a record 104 satellites, including the country’s earth observation satellite Cartosat-2 series.
The PSLV-XL variant rocket standing 44.4 metre tall and weighing 320 ton tore into the morning skies at 9.28 a.m. with a deep throated growl breaking free of the earth’s gravitational pull.
What is most significant about this mission is that in fact it allows ISRO to test the capabilities for multiple launches of small satellites by its PSLV, which has a payload capacity of more than 1,500 kilos.
Separation events of satellites went smoothly, says ISRO Lead scientist B Jayakumar after the launch.
Separation of all 104 satellites confirmed, says ISRO.
In its 39th mission, ISRO’s PSLV-C37 successfully places over 100 satellites placed in orbit.