New Delhi, June 21, 2022: India on Tuesday registered 9,923 new cases in the last 24 hours, 22.4 per cent lower than yesterday, according to data shared by the Union Health Ministry.
This brings the country’s total caseload to 4,33,19,396.
Meanwhile, 17 deaths were reported in the country in the last 24 hours, increasing the total reported death count to 5,24,890.
India’s active caseload stands at 79,313. In the last 24 hours, active cases increased by 2,613.
A total of 7,293 patients recovered in the last 24 hours, which brings the total recoveries to 4,27,15,193 across the country. The recovery rate now stands at 98.61 per cent.
The top five states which have registered maximum cases are Kerala with 2,786 cases, followed by Maharashtra with 2,354 cases, Delhi with 1,060 cases, Tamil Nadu with 686 cases and Haryana with 684 cases.
These five states accounted for 76.28 per cent of the new cases, with Kerala alone responsible for 28.08 per cent of the new cases.
India has administered a total of 13,00,024 doses in the last 24 hours, which brings the total tally of doses administered to 1,96,32,43,003.
A total of 3,88,641 samples were tested in the last 24 hours.
Courtesy: India Today