New Delhi, Mar 30, 2022: This year’s Oscars made noise not because of the golden trophies or the glamorous stars. Everyone is talking about Will Smith punching Chris Rock on the stage during the live ceremony. The incident took place when Chris, before presenting an award, joked about Will’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, and said that she was looking like GI Jane 2. Jada, the woman at the vortex of the Oscars slapgate controversy, has now broken her silence in a cryptic Instagram post. The actress talked about ’healing’.
Earlier, Will Smith had issued a public apology to Chris Rock for punching him. And now, Jada Pinkett Smith has also broken her silence over the whole controversy in a cryptic Instagram post. "This is a season for healing and I’m here for it (sic)," read Jada’s post. She also added heart and folded hands emojis in the caption. She did not refer to her husband, Will Smith’s altercation with Chris Rock - but she didn’t have to.
Chris Rock was one of the presenters at the 94th Academy Awards. While presenting an award, he joked about Will Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, looking like GI Jane 2. Will Smith lost his cool, got up to the stage and punched him hard. He then took his seat and yelled at Chris. Smith said, "Keep my wife’s name out of your f***** mouth." Chris said, "Will Smith smacked the shit out of me." Celebrities were shocked to see this incident. The live streaming of Disney+ Hotstar also stopped for a while. Fans were left wondering if this incident was scripted or real.
In an Instagram post shared after the above events, Will Smith apologized to Chris Rock by name. "I would like to publicly apologize to you, Chris. I was out of line and I was wrong," he wrote.
"Jokes at my expense are a part of the job, but a joke about Jada’s medical condition was too much for me to bear and I reacted emotionally," Will wrote. He signed off, "I am a work in progress."
In 2018, Jada Pinkett Smith revealed her alopecia diagnosis. She has been open about her struggle with the condition. Will Smith and Jada tied the knot in 1997.
Courtesy: India Today