mangalore today
Thursday, July 04
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Jammu And Kashmir: New challenge for army as terrorists revert to old infiltration method

Jammu And Kashmir, July 2, 2024: A new challenge has cropped up for the security forces as terrorists have reverted to the old traditional routes of infiltration. Data show that there has been a sudden rise in infiltration attempts from old traditional routes close to the LoC and the International Border.


The rise in terror-related incidents indicates that a significant number of foreign terrorists have infiltrated into the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. The Jammu and Kashmir Police DGP had earlier said that more than 70-80 foreign terrorists are active in the region. The Jammu and Kashmir Police DGP admitted that the old traditional routes have been reactivated and that a substantial terror infrastructure remains intact across the LoC in PoK.

DGP Jammu and Kashmir R. R. Swain said, "This is the obvious reality; there is no doubt that there (in Pakistan), I always say it is true that there are camps, there are factories of terrorism, there are such organizations operating there, and their business is running on bloodshed here. If they are not able to do so, then their money stops." He added, "It is a challenge, and we have seen it before. The answer to your question is whether they have started new routes which were closed earlier and have been opened again. The answer is ’yes.’ Are they trying to activate it? The answer is ’yes.’ The reason is, we all know."

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