Lucknow, July 31, 2015: High alert has been sounded in west Uttar Pradesh for peaceful pilgrimage in the month of Shravan, starting from Saturday. Extensive security arrangements have been done for Kawariya Yatra along National Highway-58 following a feeler from the Intelligence Bureau (IB) that the anti-national forces could create trouble to vitiate the communal atmosphere. There is maximum alert between Delhi and Haridwar because maximum localities with mixed population fall in this area. The IB is most apprehensive of problems in those areas.
"Huge force would be deployed along NH-58 for people’s security and also to maintain the traffic. A large number of policemen in civil clothes will also be among the Kawariyas. Besides this, we have formed committees of several communities including Hindus and Muslims to maintain peace in every situation. Ambulances have also been deployed on the National Highway to tackle any untoward incident", said Alok Sharma, Inspector General of Meerut Range.
Ajay Pal, Superintendent of Police of Ghaziabad said, "Keeping in view recent incidents, we are also installing watch-towers on the National Highway. Over 50 CCTVs would also be there in Ghaziabad city to keep close vigil on every activity."
Courtesy: Indiatoday