New Delhi, Dec 05, 2022: Kanye West has embroiled himself in yet another controversy by calling Elon Musk ‘half-Chinese’ just days after getting his Twitter account suspended. In a statement shared by West on Monday via Instagram, the Donda rapper asked, “Am I the only one who thinks Elon could be half-Chinese? Have you ever seen his pics as a child?” He further called the Twitter owner a ‘first genetic hybrid’ from China and South Africa who’s stuck. “Take a Chinese genius and mate them with a South African supermodel. And we have an Elon. I say an Elon because they probably made 10 to 30 Elon’s and he’s the first genetic hybrid that stuck.”
While doing so, the rapper added that he hadn’t found an apt ‘curse’ word for the former President of the United States, Barack Obama. He continued, “Well, let’s not forget about Obama. I’m sorry for using curse words in Church But I don’t have another word for Obama yet. Ye24, let’s unify and find out LUAFO.”
In the caption of his new Instagram post, Kanye referred to himself as the future president of the United States who’ll seemingly use Mark Zuckerberg’s platform to launch an investigation on Elon Musk’s childhood photos on fellow rapper Jay Z’s birthday. He added, “On Jay Zs birthday future president of the United States Ye uses Mark Zuckerberg’s platform to incite a mass investigation of Elon Musk’s childhood photos in the midst of Balenciagagate I call this the theory of everything problem solved praise God.”
Why was Kanye West’s Twitter account suspended by Elon Musk?
Back in October, the rapper got himself banned from Twitter over an anti-Semitic tweet where he wished, “death con on Jewish people.” The controversial remark ended up with him losing lucrative deals with multiple brands and companies including Adidas. Despite this, SpaceX mogul Elon Musk who after taking over Twitter, called himself a ‘free speech absolutist’ reinstated West’s account last month. He previously stated that the micro-blogging site must only get involved to abide by local laws.
— Alex 🃏🏝 (@TheeAleexJ) December 2, 2022
During his appearance on Alex Jones’ ‘Infowars Show’, the 45-year-old musician made a comment praising Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. “Well, I see good things about Hitler also. I am done with the classifications. Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler," he reportedly said. Moreover, the rapper also tweeted an image of a swastika inside a star of David.
On Friday, while responding to a fan’s tweet about fixing Kanye, the Twitter owner answered that he ‘tried.’ “I tried my best. Despite that, he again violated our rule against incitement to violence. Account will be suspended,” he tweeted on the micro-blogging site. The rapper had more than 30 million followers on Twitter.