New Delhi, June 1, 2016: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah invoked the Essential Services Maintenance Act(ESMA) in the state in a bid to subdue the proposed protest on June 4 by constabulary, today.
In a circular issued by the Director-General and Inspector-General of Police Om Prakash, strict actions, including dismissal of the staff, will be taken against those who participate in the protest.
According to sources, the Health and Family Welfare Department has issued directions to all government hospitals not to issue any medical certificate for police personnel on health grounds for June 4.
Asserting that they face human rights violation on daily basis, around 60,000 cops decided to go for a mass leave on June 4. The protest was against meagre salary, overburdened work and lack of scholarship or educational facilities for their children.
As the policemen are not entitled to go on a strike like other government employees, they have decided to apply leave en masse instead.
While the policemen have received support from the BJP and APP, which suggested to the government to revise the salaries, state government has taken a stern stance to subdue the protest.