mangalore today
Friday, September 20


Karnataka: Judge tells woman to ’adjust’ to domestic abuse

Mangalore Today/ CNN-IBN

Bangalore, Sept. 6: Women’s groups in Karnataka are demanding the removal of a High Court judge, Justice K Bhakthavatsala, who said it was okay for a man to beat his wife as long as he was taking good care of her.


Justice BhathavatsalaHe reportedly made this statement while hearing a domestic violence case. The judge told the plaintiff, who is seeking a divorce on the grounds of abuse, that she should just "adjust" to the cruelty being meted out to her for the sake of her marriage and her children.

Activists have launched an online campaign to demand his removal. Women lawyers have also submitted a memorandum to the Chief Justice, asking that all judges be given certain guidelines on how to deal with sensitive cases involving women and children.

"I somehow feel domestic court cases and family court cases must be posted before a judge who has been trained specially for that particular purpose and who can understand the feelings of a lady," Advocate Pramila Nesargi said.

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Benedict Noronha, Udupi Fri, September-7-2012, 6:34
Very nice and timesly advise to Women of India by J. Bakthavatsala. When the Government is thinking of introducing a bill to tax men to wages to wives, this is amaster piece advice, good and appropritate for all times. For the sake of catching votes these unprinciples people provoke family disgruntlement and breach. left to themselves the present day families are quite homely. A few are found for econiomic neads and bad habits. It does not mean that all husbands are bad.I fully agree with the Hon’ble judge that the judges must be properly oriented to handle family cases..
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