Bengaluru, June 16, 2022: The Bidar district police in Karnataka have arrested 19 men for allegedly assaulting a resident of Basavakalyan taluk for posting a derogatory post. The Basavakalyan man, Sripad Talamadagi, had allegedly posted a picture of a lockup with derogatory remarks on Prophet Muhammad. An FIR was filed against Sripad as well.
Earlier, protests broke out over in Bengaluru, Belagavi, and Chikkamagaluru in Karnataka over two BJP leaders’ remarks on Prophet Muhammad. The two BJP leaders — Nupur Sharma and Naveen Jindal — who made the statements were suspended from the party.
Miscreants in Karnataka’s Belagavi district hung an effigy with a photo of Nupur Sharma in the middle of a street. In May, Nupur Sharma, who was a spokesperson for the BJP, commented on Prophet Muhammad in a TV debate, sparking a massive global outrage.
Following this, an Islamic organisation called for a shutdown of Kanpur’s Parade Market. This resulted in a clash between two groups and police arrested at least 38 people in connection with the violence.In an effort to reduce the fallout, the BJP suspended Nupur Sharma over her remarks on the Prophet Muhammad. As many as 14 countries, including Qatar, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, hit out at India over the comments.
Meanwhile, senior officers of Mumbai Police met Ulamas (Muslim scholars who are recognized as having knowledge of Islamic sacred law and theology) and urged them not to participate in a protest scheduled this Friday against former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma.
Protests after Friday prayers last week witnessed violence in different parts of the country. Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi chief and grandson of Babasaheb Ambedkar, Prakash Ambedkar, announced a massive agitation in Mumbai on June 17 (after Friday prayers) against the remarks made by Nupur Sharma on Prophet.
Courtesy: India Today