July 17, 2017: Dileep, who was arrested on charges of criminal conspiracy in the Malayalam actress abduction case, moved the Kerala High Court after his bail plea was rejected by a court in Angamaly last week. The Kerala High Court on Monday accepted the actor’s plea and postponed the hearing to Thursday (July 20).
The prosecution had argued that if a bail was granted to the actor, he could influence witnesses and also tamper with the evidence. It was said that Dileep’s non-cooperation with the ongoing investigation was not helping the case.
The defense argued that the police are trying to fix Dileep based on accusations made by the prime accused, Pulsar Suni. They alleged that it is a huge conspiracy to malign the reputation of the Malayalam superstar.
Dileep’s arrest saw widespread outrage in Kerala. So much so that Dhe Puttu, a restaurant owned by Dileep, was vandalised by an angry mob. The actor’s effigies too were burnt in several places.
The case dates back to February this year when a popular Malayalam actress was abducted and molested by a gang, who took pictures of her to blackmail her. Pulsar Suni, the prime accused in the case, had confessed that it was Dileep who orchestrated the plan.
Courtesy: Indiatoday