Thiruvanantapuram, April 27, 2022: The Kerala government on Wednesday made wearing face masks in public, work places, and during transport, compulsory and said that violation of this rule will be punishable under the Disaster Management Act. The state had previously eased several Covid-19 restrictions due to the significant fall in the number of cases.
The move, however, comes as several other states such as Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Delhi made masks compulsory again. State Health Minister Veena George on Monday had also stressed on the importance of wearing masks and ramping up awareness campaigns even as she allayed concerns about rise in caseload. The Minister said there is no need for concern in Kerala and there was no cluster in the State.
“There is no need for concern in Kerala but we will continue to remain vigilant since other States are reporting an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases. Instructions have been issued to closely monitor the situations in the districts. Only Kochi has witnessed a slight increase in cases,” the George had said.
During a high-level COVID-19 evaluation meeting, George said instructions have been given to the authorities to closely monitor the situation in the districts.
She said the district authorities have been instructed to inform the State-level authorities in case of formation of COVID clusters or an increase in the number of cases in a particular region. George also gave directions to strengthen the vaccination process.