New Delhi, August 26, 2015: A 17-year-old boy was charged with murdering a nine-year-old boy and later allegedly having sex with the child’s dead body. Police say that the incident, which took place in Vizhinjam in Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala, was the result of the teenager’s attempt to re-enact a pornographic video he had watched earlier.According to a report in The News Minute, the nine-year-old had ignored the teen’s sexual advances, following which he repeatedly hit the child on his head with a liquor bottle and killed him. The accused has allegedly confessed to the crime.
G Binu, Vizhinjam Circle Inspector told The News Minute, "Post-mortem results prove that the boy was subjected to a sexual exploitation, sodomy to be precise after death."
"We have started our investigation and need to find whether the accused has committed similar crimes previously. But this time he was well aware before the act of sodomy that the boy was dead," G Binu added.
Sources also say that the two boys went to the same government school close to their residence.
Courtesy: Indiatoday