Bengaluru, July 14, 2022: A Mysuru-based kickboxer died during a kickboxing competition organized by the K1 association of Karnataka in Bengaluru. During the match, the participant, identified as Nikhil, collapsed in the ring and died at Kengeri in Bengaluru on July 10.
The video captured by the audience shows the kickboxer collapsing in the ring, after getting punched in the face by the opponent.
Following the incident, his father claimed that there were no medical facilities available at the event and that organisers were responsible for his son’s untimely demise.
His coach, Vikram Mysore Nagaraj, took to Facebook and wrote, "Had there been an ambulance, trained medical staff and a standard fighting platform at the venue, he wouldn’t have lost those precious golden moments when the tragedy struck and could have saved him from this agony."
"This cries for a major overhaul in the mindset of organizers and associations to follow safety protocols which are already in place for combat sports," he added.
The coach revealed that family members would take legal action against the organizer of the event.
Courtesy: India Today