New Delhi, Jan 04, 2020: In recent times, a lot of content which is forwarded on WhatsApp makes its way to other social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, News18 reported.
Unsuspecting Indians often mistake this forwarded content as gospel truth and share it on other social media sites, without verifying them of course. While Anand Mahindra, Sachin Tendulkar and others share their ’Whatsapp wonder box’ of innovative and inspiring content, some fall prey to a lot of fake news on it. Spoiler alert: No, UNSECO did not award India as ’kindest country in the world.’
Kiran Bedi, who is the current Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry, and a retired Indian Police Service officer, social activist, former tennis player seems to have fallen for one such message which has made its rounds on Indian Whatsapp Forwards for years. Posting a doctored video on Twitter, she captioned the text read ’NASA Recorded Video of Sun Chanting Om’ NASA has, however, released actual videos of what the Sun sounds like, which are free on YouTube and can be found with a quick Google search. The video below has solar sounds generated from 40 days of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory’s (SOHO) Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) data and processed by A. Kosovichev.
Here’s more if you want to listen to what the Sun actually sounds like.
Netizens, however, did not miss out on both correcting her on what the sun actually sounds like - and on the opportunity to troll her.