mangalore today
Friday, September 20


LPG distributors to go on strike on October 1 CNN-IBN

New Delhi, Sept 24: The National Federation of LPG Distributors of India has announced a nationwide strike on October 1 against the cap on subsidised cylinders introduced recently by the government to deal with its huge subsidy bill. The Federation’s General Secretary Pawan Soni said that the move would create a huge black market and lead to unfair trade practices.


LPG Distributors to strike

"With the government’s latest decision on LPG cylinders, both the consumers and the distributors are suffering. Without consulting us, wrong policies are being adopted that will create a black market and promote unfair trade practices," said Soni.

While Congress-ruled states have decided to raise the cap on subsidised cylinders from six to nine, the other states have been demanding a rollback of the measure.

The Trinamool Congress withdrew its support from the government after it refused to roll back the policy decision.

Apart from the cap on the maximum number of subsidised LPG cylinders that a family can buy per year, the government also hiked the diesel price and introduced 51 per cent foreign direct investment in multi-brand retail, drawing howls of protests from the Opposition.

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