June 23, 2016: Voting has begun in Britain on Thursday in a historic referendum on whether the country should remain a member of the European Union (EU) or leave. An estimated 46,499,537 people are entitled to take part in the vote - a record number for a British poll.
Here are the LIVE Updates about the polling:-
’Leave’ and ’Remain’ camps are neck and neck in pre-poll analyses ahead of a vote to decide if Britin will remain in the EU.
Polls open in the British overseas territory of Gibraltar for the UK’s EU membership referendum.
Voting begins in EU referendum as polls say result too close to call.
The final national result will be announced in Manchester Town Hall in northern England.
The formal result will not be confirmed by the chief counting officer until all local areas, collated into 12 regional tallies, are declared.
Turnout is likely to be announced earlier, which may give an indication of the result to come, with a high turnout expected to favour the "Remain" camp.
The first big wave of results is expected after 2.00 am (0100 GMT) on Friday and another wave a couple of hours afterwards.
There are 382 local counting areas, including Gibraltar, which will all declare their results independently throughout the night.
Some hedge funds and banks have also reportedly commissioned private exit polls that would allow them to make trades based on their forecasts even while voting is still going on.
There are no official exit polls because polling experts say the lack of recent comparable votes in Britain could make the results less reliable.
There are a total of 46,499,537 registered voters, according to the latest figures from the Electoral Commission. This is more than in last year’s general election when 46,354,197 people were registered. The results are expected early on Friday morning.