mangalore today
Tuesday, September 17


Lokpal Bill tabled in Parliament, Anna sets a copy on fire

Mangalore Today / PTI

New Delhi/Pune, August 4:  As the government introduced the Lokpal Bill in Parliament, Anna Hazare set a copy on fire in Ralegaon in Maharashtra. A symbolic gesture to express the anger against what his team of activists describe as "a betrayal of the nation."


Lokpall bill burned


The Bill is meant to check corruption among politicians and bureaucrats. Mr Hazare’s team says the government has drafted a Bill that ensures the Lokpal or ombudsman has no real powers.

In the Lok Sabha today, the BJP asked why the Bill does not apply to the Prime Minister’s office.

It’s a question that Team Anna has raised repeatedly. They also say that the government has too much control over the selection of the nine members of the Lokpal.

They also say the Bill liberally allows for those who complain against corruption to be penalized.

Mr Hazare is scheduled to begin a hunger fast on August 16.

Along with four activists nominated by him, the 74-year-old Gandhian was part of the drafting committee for the Bill. The govt was represented by five ministers.

Both sides clashed repeatedly, resulting in two disparate versions of the Lokpal Bill. The government has chosen to present its ministers’ version in Parliament.

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Dinesh, USA Thu, August-4-2011, 6:32
Is Congress LOKPAL BILL, the Constitution of India? If no, then What’s there to insult Parliament? How about burning PHOTOS of Corrupt and Looter Politicians? Parliament is for PUBLIC-WELFARE and not to LOOT, COVER-UP and MISGUIDE the Country on SCAMS. Congress Lokpal Bill = AL QAEDA against CIVILIZED WORLD.
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