mangalore today
Tuesday, September 17


Lokpal alone not enough to root out corruption: Rahul

Mangalore Today / PTI

New Delhi, August 26 : Raising doubts over whether a single law would be enough to eradicate corruption in the country, Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi on Friday said that having a Lokpal would not be enough to root out corruption entirely.
" It would appear that the enactment of the Lokpal Bill would deal with the issue of corruption effectively. But, I have serious doubts of this belief. An effective Lokpal law is just one element. Other mechanisms and laws need to be dealt with too," said Gandhi during Zero Hour in the Lok Sabha.

Rahul - LokpalSuggesting that the Lokpal could be made a Constitutional body like the Election Commission, Gandhi said: "The fight against corruption requires strong political will. Elevate the discourse. Lets make Lokpal a constitutional body like the Election Commission. It is a game changing idea."  "We must not weaken the democratic process. India’s biggest achievement is its democratic system. Democracy is the life force of the nation. Individuals have brought our country great gains," he added.There are no single solution that exist to end corruption in the country. I doubt whether one anti- corruption bill can change everything," Gandhi said.
He also said political parties should bury all their differences to ensure that the political class gives the country a corruption-free society.

Earlier in the day, Gandhi met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the latter’s 7, Race Course Road official residence, apparently to discuss the Lokpal issue. Meanwhile, Anna Hazare, whose fast for a strong Lokpal Bill entered its eleventh day, wrote to Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, assuring him that he would end his fast if a resolution is passed to debate the Jan Lokpal Bill in Parliament today.

He placed three conditions before the government, which is inclusion of the lower bureaucracy in the Lokpal Bill, appoint Lokayuktas in all states and implement the of citizens charter for a time bound disposal of public grievances in government offices.
Hazare has been on fast since August 16, the day he was arrested and taken to Tihar Jail. He was released the same day, but he refused to leave Tihar Jail. He shifted to Ramlila Ground here on August 19 where he has been continuing with his fast.

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Benedict Noronha, Udupi/Muscat Sun, August-28-2011, 12:16
Indeed a rising leader to lead India has given a right direction to the issue ANNA raised by fasting and demanding 3 issues of Citizen’s Charter, Lokyukta in all states and also to extend the scope of Lokapal to lower levels of Government servants. According to Rahul Lokapl is not sufficieent. It must have independent powers like E.C. is most welcome. Any way the Government with corrupt M.P.s also have been told in clear terms so that every one has to be careful. I may suggest to take initiative to restrict M.P.s contesting elections 3-4 times and upto age 60 years only. For Prez 70 yrs
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