Lucknow, April 21, 2022: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday, April 21, said that loudspeakers can be used at religious places with permission, but the sound must not come out of the premises. He further said that no new permits will be issued for loudspeakers.
His statement comes three days after the Nashik Police in Maharashtra banned the use of loudspeakers without permission at religious places. The Nashik Police also banned the use of loudspeakers to play Hanuman Chalisa or bhajans 15 minutes before and after Azaan is offered. All religious places in Maharashtra must obtain permits by May 3 to use loudspeakers.
"Everyone has the freedom to choose his or her method of worship. But that should not inconvenience others," CM Yogi Adityanath.
Courtesy: India Today