mangalore today
Tuesday, September 17


Maharashtra: Naxals blow up CRPF bus in Gadchiroli, 11 killed


Mumbai, March 27 : Naxals struck again in Gadchiroli in Maharashtra killing at least 11 CRPF men and injuring 29 others by triggering a landmine blast. The death toll is likely to rise as the blast targeted a bus full of CRPF personnel. The blast took place at an area under Dhanora police station near Pushtola killing the personnel belonging to the CRPF’s 192 Battalion.


Naxals- Maharashtra


The 40 CRPF personnel were a part of a road opening party and were travelling from Pushtola to Gatta in the district, which has Chhattisgarh on its east, Andhra Pradesh in the south and Madhya Pradesh on the north.

The area around Pushtola, where the blast took place, is isolated and therefore, it is difficult for relief and rescue to reach the area immediately.

A rescue helicopter reached to spot and the injured were being flown to Gadchiroli.

The Maharashtra state DGP headed to Gadchiroli immediately after the news of the incident. CRPF Chief K Vijay Kumar is on a tour of Maharashtra and was in Gadchiroli area after he started from Nagpur this morning, CRPF officials said, adding he was now on his way to the attack spot.

This is not the first time that Naxals have struck in the area. In 2009, 17 people were killed, while in 2011, four policemen were killed in the area.

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