mangalore today
Thursday, September 19


Major air mishap averted at Chennai airport

Chennai, Sep 24, 2011: A major air mishap was averted at Chennai airport on Saturday when a Delhi-bound private airliner which had been cleared for take-off stopped on the runway just as an Air India flight was about to land.

Chennair AirportAirport authorities have sought explanation from Jet Airways as to why the aircraft was stopped despite it being cleared for take-off.

Airport sources said the Delhi-bound Jet Airways plane was taxiing on the runway at 8.40 am when it stopped at the end moment. At the same time, the Chennai-bound Air India flight from Delhi was given landing permission by the Air Traffic Control (ATC).

The ATC noticed that the Jet Airways flight was still on the runway and quickly alerted the pilot of the AI flight.

The AI plane then hovered around for sometime till the other aircraft took off, sources said.

Courtesy: CNN-IBN

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