Mathura, Dec 06, 2022: The Uttar Pradesh Police has put up barricades and vehicle checks are being done in various places in Mathura in view of the Hindu Mahasabha’s call for reciting Hanuman Chalisa inside a mosque on Tuesday.
Nearly 1,500 police, armed constabulary and paramilitary force personnel have been deployed and traffic restrictions enforced near Shri Krishna Janmasthan temple and Shahi Masjid Idgah in the temple town, officials told PTI.
Uttar Pradesh | Police barricading placed at various places in Mathura this morning & vehicle checking being done by them in wake of a call given by Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha to recite Hanuman Chalisa at Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi complex-Shahi Idgah Masjid maidan here today.
— ANI UP/Uttarakhand (@ANINewsUP) December 6, 2022
On Monday, Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha national treasurer Dinesh Kaushik said they would go ahead with its call for reciting Hanuman Chalisa inside the mosque.
In response, the district police chief Shailesh Pandey has asserted that "no new tradition or ritual" would be allowed.
"The orders of the Supreme Court would be followed and the implementation of prohibitory orders under Section 144 of the CrPC in letter and spirit would be ensured. Nobody will be allowed to take the law into his own hands and spoil the peace of this pilgrim city," Shailesh Pandey was quoted as saying by PTI.
The Hindu Mahasabha had given a similar call last year but their plan was scuttled by the district administration.
Courtesy: India Today