Kasargod, Sep 24, 2017: After the Kerala state lottery department on Wednesday announced the result of Onam Special ’Thiruvonam Bumper-2017’, the winner of the same is doing rounds on social networking sites. According to reports, Musthafa Moottatharammal, bearing the ticket number AJ442876, has won the whopping amount of Rs 10 crore on Wednesday.
Though authorities had earlier failed to identify the winner, various rumours and murmurs suggested that Musthafa was spotted at the Federal Bank branch at Parappanangadi around 2 pm on Saturday and had been seen handing over the prize-winning-ticket to the bank manager.
According to sources, Musthafa Moottatharammal, a native of Chuzhali at Moonniyur near Parappanangadi is a van driver by profession. Being one of the earning members of a middle-class family, Musthafa, the pick-up van driver had to take up the responsibility of family’s coconut trade after the death of his father who was a renowned coconut trader in the locale.
Aiswarya lottery agency, where Musthafa had purshased the ticket from, will also draw a big fat amount of Rs 1 crore as commission.
’I started purchasing lottery tickets more than twenty years ago and i was hopeful that the Onam bumber ticket will bring prize this time," Musthafa was quoted as saying while talking about the same.
Though Musthafa became aware of his grand prize just after the announcement of the results on Wednesday, he did not share the news to avoid unnecessary public attention and questions.