Madhya Pradesh, January 30, 2025: Monalisa Bhosle, the 16-year-old girl from the Khargone district of Madhya Pradesh, who made headlines on national television and social media as the viral girl of Prayagraj Maha Kumbh, is again in the news these days. According to the latest update, Monalisa has signed the film ’The Diary of Manipur.’The writer and film director of the film is Sanoj Mishra, who has made films like The Diary of West Bengal in the past. Mishra visited her house to offer the film and shared the information about the visit on his social media page on Instagram.
Monalisa Bhosle resides in Maheshwar, Khargone district, where she has been selling flowers since her childhood. Notably, it has now been revealed that the shooting for her upcoming film, The Diary of Manipur, is set to begin in February.
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Sanoj Mishra met Monalisa’s family
Film director Sanoj Mishra recently visited Monalisa and her family to discuss his upcoming film, The Diary of Manipur. While details of their conversation remain undisclosed, neither Mishra nor Monalisa has shared any specifics about the discussions.
Maha Kumbh’s viral sensation
Although Monalisa has been selling flowers and garlands at Kila Ghat on the banks of the Narmada River for many years, she rose to fame when a content creator spotted her selling rudraksha garlands at the mela. Her striking features, particularly her eyes, quickly made her an internet sensation. The surge in popularity has also affected her business, as people approach her for selfies rather than buying garlands from her.
Later, her popularity increased so much that many times she had to avoid the media and common people. However, after this chaos, she returned from Mahakumbh to her home in Maheshwar.