mangalore today
Friday, September 20


Mumbai’s ACP rescues 36 girls being sent to Dubai at Delhi airport

Mangalore Today / ITV

Mumbai, August 15: In a late evening operation, Mumbai police’s famous ’super’ ACP of Social Service Branch Vasant Dhobale landed at Delhi airport on Tuesday and rescued 36 girls being sent as part of an immoral trafficking net to Dubai.


Girls rescued-delhi airport

Police sources said, a few months back Dhoble had rescued girls being sent to Dubai from Mumbai airport in a similar manner, and in course of investigation, it was found that the second assignment would be sent, not from Mumbai, but from Delhi.

Dhoble reached Delhi airport’s international terminal, and intercepted the gang which was taking 36 girls to Dubai for immoral trafficking.

Dhoble is bringing back the girls to Mumbai on Wednesday. Details are awaited.

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