Bengaluru, Dec 18, 2018 : Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) member of Karnataka legislative assembly N Mahesh on Monday was allegedly caught viewing the photographs of girls on his mobile phone inside the assembly. Mahesh not only carried his mobile inside the House, but also browsed while the session is going on. However, Mahesh admitted his mistake, Yahoonews reported.
He claimed that he was looking for a prospective bride for his son. While interacting with media, he said, “Yes, I took the phone inside. It was a mistake. I will never do it again. But what kind of journalism is this that you are sensationalising everything. As a father, I was looking for alliances for my son.” Mahesh is also a former Primary and Secondary Education Minister of Karnataka.
The use of mobile phones inside the assembly was banned. It is not the first instance where legislatures carried mobiles inside the assembly. In 2012, various news channel aired footage showing Karnataka state Minister for Cooperation Laxman Savadi sharing a porn clip with his colleague CC Patil, the minister for women and child development, while sitting in the state assembly.