Bengaluru, May 01: The Bengaluru Metro (Reach 3-B) has been opened to the public today to commute between Nagasandra and Peenya Industrial Area. This route passes through the industrial corridor and has three new station at Jalahalli, Dasarahalli, and Nagasandra. The stretch was inaugurated at a function this morning.
The first phase of the Metro, whose construction is running behind schedule will have a total of 42.3 kilomtres when complete. At the moment only 20 kilometers with 19 stations have been commissioned.
Karnataka’s chief minister, Siddaramaiah, said the first stage would be fully operational within a year from now.
"Approximately 94 per cent of the civil work has been completed. The first stage will be completed by December this year, or March next year. This section of the Metro will be connected to the regular railway station at Yeshwantpur. This will help passengers travelling from outside of the city," the chief minister said.
Union Law and Justice Minister, Sadananda Gowda, who was previously the Railways minister said, "Public investment towards the metro is highest in Karnataka. Approximately 26,000 crores has been invested in this industry."
Union Urban Development minister, Venkaiah Naidu said that a Metro was one of the big demands being made by city dwellers whom he met.
"Most people who meet me ask for two things; one, a metro system for their city, and second, a ’smart city’ model for their city," he said.
The metro system in Bengaluru was seen as a solution to the city’s traffic woes, but increasing volumes of traffic and the delayed progress of the metro has only added to the misery of the commuters.