Mumbai, Dec 1, 2022: Two men were arrested for harassing a Korean woman in Mumbai while she was live-streaming, said police. In a video shared online, one of the accused was seen dragging the YouTuber by her hand as she shouts "no, no", in Khar last night.
The video shows the man getting close to her and holding her hand despite her protesting.
As she walks away, he appears again with another man on a bike and offers her a lift. The woman denies it and tells them in broken English that her house is nearby.
The woman, retweeting the video, said she tried not to escalate the situation as the accused was with another person.
Last night on stream, there was a guy who harassed me. I tried my best not to escalate the situation and leave because he was with his friend. And some people said that it was initiated by me being too friendly and engaging the conversation. Makes me think again about streaming.
— Mhyochi in 🇮🇳 (@mhyochi) November 30, 2022
"Last night on stream, there was a guy who harassed me. I tried my best not to escalate the situation and leave because he was with his friend. And some people said that it was initiated by me being too friendly and engaging the conversation. Makes me think again about streaming," she said.
The police have registered a case of sexual assault on its own based on the video.