New Delhi, June 14, 2022: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday (June 14) asked the government departments to recruit 10 lakh people in the next 1.5 years in a "mission mode." PM Modi directed various departments to undertake the recruitment in organisations after the review of the status of the human resources in all government departments and ministries.
Informing about the directions from PM Modi the PMO office took to Twitter and wrote, "PM Narendra Modi reviewed the status of Human Resources in all departments and ministries and instructed that recruitment of 10 lakh people be done by the Government in mission mode in next 1.5 years."
PM @narendramodi reviewed the status of Human Resources in all departments and ministries and instructed that recruitment of 10 lakh people be done by the Government in mission mode in next 1.5 years.
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) June 14, 2022
The government’s decision comes amid the opposition’s frequent criticism of it on the issue of unemployment. A large number of vacant posts in different government sectors has often been flagged.
Courtesy: Zee News