New Delhi, Jul 29, 2021: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will unveil at least 10 schemes on Thursday to make a year of the new National Education Policy. These include the academic bank of credit (ABC) in higher education, a competency-based assessment for students in Classes 3, 5 and 8, and undergraduate engineering programmes in regional languages.
The new NEP was launched on July 29 last year. The policy document proposes to make structural changes in school and higher education to improve understanding of foundational concepts and employability of graduates, respectively, among other things. At Thursday’s event, the PM will address policy makers in the domain of education and skill development, students, teachers, across the country.
In anticipation of the event, the University Grants Commission has notified its regulations on ABC. The credit bank will be a virtual entity which will keep records of academic credits secured by a student. This, consequently, will help students to not only move between institutes while pursuing one degree but also leave a programme before completing it and rejoining it after time off.
According to a statement by the Education Ministry, the PM will also unveil a website dedicated to Artificial Intelligence, National Digital Education Architecture (NDEAR) and National Education Technology Forum (NETF). While NDEAR will be single platform that will showcase digital solutions for problems faced in the education sector, NETF is proposed to be an autonous body that will provide evidence-based advice to Central and State Government agencies on technology-based interventions for education.
Courtesy:Indian Express