mangalore today
Tuesday, September 17


PU leaks turn into a flood

Mangalore Today News Network

Bangalore, March 26, 201 :  All science papers, including Chemistry, leaked; English too

paper 1As the State Pre-University Department grapples with the fallout of the leak of the Maths and Physics papers, it is now emerging that even the Biology, Chemistry, English and Geography question papers were leaked, leaving the entire PU examination system in a shambles.

Leaking shortcomings: The first and last pages of the Maths question paper that was leaked. The Maths exam was originally scheduled for March 20 and has been rescheduled for April 3 after the paper was leaked.PU Department officials admitted on Sunday that they have found evidence of tampering with the original Chemistry and English papers which students are to write on March 31 and March 29, respectively.

But considering the huge embarrassment it has faced over the past few days, the PU Department is loathe to publicly admit that the Chemistry and English papers have been leaked. Well-placed sources, however, said that with reports of the leakage of the Chemistry and English papers “now certain”, the authorities have begun distributing to various taluk treasuries in the state alternate sets of question papers for these two subjects. The alternate sets of papers have been reprinted.

Papers reprinted

The DPUE, however, insists the papers have been reprinted as a “precautionary measure”. “We do not want to embarrass oursleves again. Hence, we have reprinted Chemistry and English papers,” a DPUE official, preferring anonymity, said.

Sources in the State Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and the Central Crime Branch of the City police which, over the past one week, have examined several PU Department staff and “suspect” college lecturers, said that the Geography paper, the examination for which was held on March 20, too, was leaked out in some private PU colleges in and around Bangalore.



Courtesy: Deccan Herald

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