Bengaluru, May 24, 2022: A private bus and a lorry collided with each other on National Highway 4’s Pune-Bengaluru stretch. Seven people died in the accident, and 26 others were injured. The accident occurred on the night of May 23.
The injured are being treated at the Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) hospital in Hubbali.The bus had originated from Kolhapur in Maharashtra and was en route to Bengaluru.
Labhu Ram, Hubbali-Dharwad Police Commissioner said, "At midnight, on Hubbali-Dharwad bypass, on the Gokul overbridge, a bus and a lorry collided. In the accident, six people died on the spot and 26 were injured."
He also said that police have provided bandobast in that area and they are also trying to clear the block on the highway. "The bus was headed from Kohlapur to Bengaluru. The lorry was heading on the opposite side, and an investigation is underway," said Commissioner Labhu Ram.
Courtesy : India Today