mangalore today
Friday, September 20


Protest in Parliament as Govt allows FDI in retail

Mangalore Today / PTI

New Delhi, Nov 25 : Government today informed Parliament that it has allowed 51 per cent FDI in multi-brand retail, a decision which faced strong criticism, including from key UPA ally Trinamool Congress.

In a statement, Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma said both in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha that the policy on single brand retail has also been liberalised, removing the 51 per cent cap on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).


Parliament protest


Allowing FDI in multi-brand retail, which is dominated by neighbourhood stores, will be subject to riders including a minimum investment of USD 100 million (Rs 5,200 crore).
At least 50 per cent of the investment would in the back-end infrastructure like cold storage, packaging and other logistics.

The global retail chains like Walmart and Carrefour will have to source at least 30 per cent of their requirements from small industries. Besides, they will be allowed only in cities with one million people.

The entire Opposition and Trinamool Congress protested against the decision by creating uproar in both the Houses.

Trinamool Congress members joined the Opposition and trooped into the Well shouting slogans against the decision.

In the Rajya Sabha, Sharma’s statement giving details of the decision was torn into pieces by CPI-M and BJP members.

In the din, Sharma could not complete his statement and both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha were adjourned till Monday.

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A. S. Mathew, U.S.A. Sun, November-27-2011, 1:08
Foreign Direct Investment is a great idea to create more jobs and for the over all economic growth. But allowing department stores like Walmart in India is going to be big mistake. The founder of Walmart, Mr. Sam Walton tried to market American-made products, but now Wallmart sells almost 90% of the goods from China and other countries which has taken away a lot of blue collar jobs from the U.S. Walmart is doing business to make money, and they will be dumping foreign made goods in India, specially from China. India is totally ignorant about their monopolistic game plan!
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