New Delhi, Dec 14, 2018 : Reliance Group Chairman Anil Ambani welcomed the Supreme Court’s judgement on the Rafale jet deal. The top court said there is no reason for the court to sit in judgement on the correctness of the Rs. 59,000-crore deal for 36 fighter jets. Allegations that the government had helped Anil Ambani’s Reliance Defence bag the offset contract were also dismissed by the court, which said: "There is no evidence of commercial favouritism." The judges asserted that "perception by individuals cannot be the subject of roving inquiry" by the court.
Here is the full statement by Anil Ambani:
"I welcome the judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court today summarily dismissing all PILs filed on the Rafale contracts, and conclusively establishing the complete falsity of the wild, baseless and politically motivated allegations levelled against Reliance Group and me personally. We remain committed to India’s national security and to making our humble contribution towards the Make in India and Skill India policies of the Government in the critical area of defence, including our offset partnership agreement with our valued partner, Dassault Aviation of France."