New Delhi, Dec 07, 2022: In the last leg of the Bharat Jodo Yatra in Madhya Pradesh, a group of people in a town in Agar Malwa district raised slogans hailing Prime Minister Narendra Modi after spotting Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who responded by giving flying kisses. The incident occurred on December 4 evening in Soyat Kalan town when the Yatra was headed towards the Rajasthan border.
A video clip of the incident surfaced on Monday evening and went viral. The video shows a group of persons standing on the terrace and the balcony of a mall and shouting "Modi", "Modi" in direction of Gandhi when he reached the market area of the town. Gandhi pointed towards the group and asked them to shout more loudly. He is also seen blowing kisses and smiling.
Watch !!
— Surbhi✨ (@SurrbhiM) December 6, 2022
Rare view in politics.
Rahul Gandhi greeting Bjp workers who are standing on the roof of BJP’s office in Jhalawar during Bharat jodo Yatra 🔥
"The yatra got a tremendous response in Madhya Pradesh and that’s why the people associated with BJP are baffled and indulged in such acts to blurt out their frustration," Agar Malwa district Congress president Babu Lal Yadav told PTI on Tuesday.
The pan-India foot march covered a distance of 380 km in Madhya Pradesh before entering Rajasthan on December 4 evening for the onward journey.
Courtesy: The News Minute