Bengaluru, Aug 27, 2022: As a tribute to the Power Star of the Kannada film Industry Puneeth Rajkumar, a satellite named Puneeth will be launched from Sriharikota. Briefing the media about the same, Science and Technology Minister Of State, CN Aswanth Narayan said, “A KGS3 satellite has been developed by students studying at a government school in Bengaluru, costing Rs 1.90 crore. We have named the satellite Puneeth in memory of the late actor who passed away last October.” The satellite will be launched between November 15 and December 31.
The initiative is part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. Dr. Narayan told the media that as a part of the government initiative, various students across the state from schools and colleges are involved to participate in zonal and state-level competitions. From the bunch of selected students, 1000 students will be shortlisted, who will get the opportunity to visit Sriharikota and witness the launch of Satellite Puneeth. The Science and Technology Minister of Karnataka also stated that, unlike other satellites, this satellite will weigh around one-and-a-half kilos.
While unveiling the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav initiative, Prime Minister Narender Modi urged states to launch 75 satellites made and developed by the students. As a result, the state is all set to launch its first satellite project named Puneeth. The project aims to enrich the curiosity of the students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Puneeth Rajkumar died of a heart attack on October 29, 2021. His last movie, titled Gandhada Gudi, is scheduled to release on October 28. The announcement was made by his wife, Ashwini Puneeth Rajkumar. The teaser of Gandhada Gudi was released two months after Puneeth’s death. The film stars Puneeth Rajkumar and director Amoghavarsha. For Gandhada Gudi, the duo travelled extensively to Nethrani, Murudeshwara and Gokarna in Karnataka. Appu considered the upcoming film his gift to the people of Karnataka. Moreover, he had called it a window into the marine world.