Lucknow, Sept 26, 2018 : An FIR has been filed against Congress IT cell chief Divya Spandana (Ramya) for a recent photo tweeted by her of Prime Minister Modi. In her post, she had called PM Modi a ’chor’ (thief) questioning him for not responding to allegations on the controversial Rafale deal.
"Her tweet was derogatory. The PM represents our sovereignty & republic. It is a disgrace to our nation and is a contempt. An FIR has been registered," Syed Rizwan Ahmad, the lawyer who filed a complaint in Lucknow against Ramya said.
Ramya reacted to the news of the FIR against her with a cryptic message of "Oh, well" in a tweet.
She has been repeatedly targetting the PM in her tweets. A few days back, she retweeted a photo posted by the Congress’s official Twitter handle which said: "#DaroMat PM Modi, the truth will ’set you free’," with the hashtag #ChorPMChupHai. She had tweeted another graphic which said: "All the scams and corruption of Modi and his Govt right here."