Mumbai, Dec 06, 2017: Actor Shashi Kapoor’s last rites took place on a Tuesday, as Mumbai was lashed by Cyclone Ockhi. Wrapped in the tricolour, the late star was cremated with state honours at the Santa Cruz crematorium, with a three-gun salute by Mumbai Police. His body was taken to Prithvi Theatre first. The hearse was accompanied by several family members, sheltering from the torrential rain under umbrellas - Shashi Kapoor’s son Kunal, nephews Randhir and Rishi, who rushed back to Mumbai from a film shoot, his son Ranbir and several other Kapoors were pictured. Many of Shashi Kapoor’s colleagues from the film industry were photographed at the crematorium, among them Amitabh Bachchan, his son Abhishek and Shah Rukh Khan. Celebrities like Sanjay Dutt, Anil Kapoor, Naseeruddin Shah and Ratna Pathak Shah were pictured at the Kapoor residence before the funeral.
Shashi Kapoor was taken to hospital on Sunday and died yesterday. He was 79 and had been on dialysis for failing kidneys. Shashi Kapoor, star of such as Deewar and Junoon, was the last of the Kapoors of his generation - Raj and Shammi Kapoor were his older brothers, actor Prithviraj Kapoor was his father. Shashi Kapoor is survived by his three children with late actress Jennifer Kendal - Sanjana, Kunal and Karan.
Amitabh Bachchan, who was Shashi Kapoor’s co-star in some 12 films, visited the family last evening with son Abhishek and daughter-in-law Aishwarya. Other celebrities who were pictured at the residence included Rani Mukerji and Kajol.
Amitabh Bachchan also posted an emotional tribute to his friend on his blog, writing "With men like Shashi Kapoor around, I stood no chance." On Twitter, messages poured in from the President, several politicians, cricketers and stars like Kamal Haasan, Aamir Khan, Ajay Devgn, Hrithik Roshan, Madhuri Dixit and Priyanka Chopra.
Shashi Kapoor’s Siddhartha co-star Simi Garewal wrote: "Am deeply saddened by the passing away of my co-star Shashi Kapoor. The last of that generation of Kapoors gone. A gentleman and friend gone. An era gone... All that remains are his films...and precious memories..."
Shashi Kapoor leaves behind a rich legacy of cinematic and theatre work. He also gave Bollywood one of it’s most famous dialogues - "Mere paas Maa hain" from Deewar.
Shashi Kapoor received the Padma Bhushan and Dadasaheb Phalke Award as well as several film honours.