Mumbai July 06, 2016 : A 62-year-old woman was found dead at her Ulhasnagar residence on Tuesday morning. The central police station in Ulhasnagar has registered a murder case. The deceased has been identified as Veena Ramesh Ramnani. She was a resident of Santu building near Vishnu Hotel in Ulhasnagar Camp Number 3. Preliminary investigations suggest she was smothered with a pillow. Her bangles and earrings are missing.
Veena’s son Deepak found the body last morning. He had visited her on Monday night and found that the grill door was shut. After knocking the door for a while he returned home assuming that she would be asleep.
"On Tuesday morning at 10.45 am Deepak visited her again. When no one responded to the repeated knocking, he went to the back door and found it open and saw his mother lying dead with a pillow next to her,” said a police officer.
Cops are now investigating a robbery, property and dispute angle. "We have registered a murder case. She was killed by being smothered with a pillow that was found next to her. We have also gathered CCTV footage from the nearby area and are checking it to see if anyone entered her room," said Abhay Saigaonkar, senior police inspector.