Bengaluru, June 15, 2015: Nikhil Agarwal from Jharkhand, a student travelling from Kempegowda International Airport (KIA) to Bhubaneswar, realised that his soft-shell suitcase was ripped open and a gold chain stolen after he reached his destination. But he seems to be the latest on a long list of victims of such thefts at the airport.
This is routine at many airports, including the KIA, said Customs and CISF personnel posted at the airport. Though there is no data available of such cases reported at the KIA, officials said on an average two cases get reported every month, and added that most cases went unreported.
The local police also concur with this. Panduranga, inspector, international airport police station, said he had received complaints of theft using the similar modus operandi .
Mr. Agarwal, who has lodged a complaint with the international airport police, told The Hindu , “As I collected my luggage I realised that someone had cut open the soft-shell suitcase on the side and stolen a gift-wrapped gold chain of around 10 gm that I had bought for my mother.”
In this case, Mr. Agarwal was also at fault. According to the guidelines prescribed by the Bureau of Civil Aviation, carrying gold, valuables and cash in check-in luggage is prohibited.
KIA spokesperson, however, denied that such cases were brought to their notice. “This is the first such case that I have heard in the last nine years,” the spokesperson said.
Courtesy: Zeenews