New Delhi, May 25, 2022: In a statement issued on Wednesday morning, SpiceJet said its systems faced an "attempted ransomware attack" on Tuesday night, which impacted and slowed down flight departures on Wednesday morning.
The problem has been solved and flights began operating normally by 8.30 am on Wednesday, the airline said.
"Certain SpiceJet systems faced an attempted ransomware attack last night that impacted and slowed down morning flight departures today. Our IT team has contained and rectified the situation and flights are operating normally now," the airline tweeted on Wednesday morning.
#ImportantUpdate: Certain SpiceJet systems faced an attempted ransomware attack last night that impacted and slowed down morning flight departures today. Our IT team has contained and rectified the situation and flights are operating normally now.
— SpiceJet (@flyspicejet) May 25, 2022
A ransomware attack is a type of malware attack in which the attacker locks and encrypts the victim’s data, important files and then demands a payment to unlock and decrypt the data.
Courtesy: India Today