Bengaluru, January 4, 2025: Wearing masks of Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and his deputy D K Shivakumar, BJP workers distributed roses to male bus passengers and ‘apologised to them for the hike in ticket fares,’in a unique protest at Majestic bus stand here on Friday.
R Ashoka led the protest, accompanied by his counterpart in the Upper House Chalavadi Narayanaswamy, BJP MLC N Ravi Kumar and other party leaders.
BJP workers wearing masks of Siddaramaiah and Shivakumar fell at people’s feet to ‘apologise on behalf of the CM and his deputy’.
Ashoka told passengers that he had “come here on behalf of Siddaramaiah to apologise to them for betraying the Congress party’s promises made ahead of the Assembly elections”.
“We had promised that we will not burden you by increasing prices and hiking taxes. We have broken that promise. We usher in 2025 with the announcement of increasing bus fares by a staggering 15 per cent. Soon, we plan to raise the prices of milk too,” Ashoka said.
Mimicking the CM, Ashoka told reporters that ‘people were happy with the decision of increasing prices of essential services and products’.
“My New Year’s resolution is that I am committed to increase prices further. I want you all to bear with me. By increasing prices, I am only trying to give you a better life. Pardon us, we have no option, but increase prices,” the leader of the Opposition said in the CM’s tone.
Narayanaswamy dubbed the Congress government as ‘Nama Haako Sarkara’ (government of deceivers).