Hubballi, June 12, 2022: Following the derogatory remarks of expelled BJP leader Nupur Sharma, Karnataka CM Basavaraj Bommai Saturday said he had issued directions to take precautionary measures. Speaking at Hubballi, he said: “A high-level meeting has been held with police top brass to take precautionary measures in the backdrop of violence in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. Currently the situation is peaceful in the state. The police have been instructed to deploy forces in sensitive areas. “I have spoken to the Police Commissioner of Hubballi-Dharwad and the SP of Dharwad to take appropriate measures.”
Meanwhile, the health department Saturday said Karnataka recorded 562 new Covid-19 cases, of which 545 were registered in Bengaluru alone. The positivity rate for the day was 2.07 per cent. The total number of active Covid-19 cases in Karnataka was 3,387, with capital Bengaluru having 3,263 cases. The government has ramped up testing in the wake of a surge in cases in the last one week, sources said. A total of 27,123 people in the state got tested for the infectious disease Saturday.
A day after Rajya Sabha elections saw ruling BJP winning three seats in Karnataka, Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai has remarked that no matter whether the Congress or the JD(S) is considered the “B team” of the saffron party, both Opposition parties would now agree that the BJP is the “A team”.