New Delhi, June 24, 2015: A man found guilty of raping a 15-year-old orphan in Tamil Nadu has been asked to meet his victim by a judge of the Madras High Court who said "alternate dispute resolution is gaining momentum in the West."
V Mohan was sentenced to seven years in jail in 2012, four years after the crime. He challenged his conviction and has now been granted temporary or interim bail by Justice D Devadass, who urges a settlement between the rapist and the victim, who became pregnant and delivered a child as a result of the sexual attack.
The judge, is reportedly in favour of the convict marrying the rape survivor. "The victim-girl has become mother of a child. But as on date, she is nobody’s wife. So she is an unwed mother. Now there is a big question mark looming large before the girl as well as her child, who is completely innocent," the judge said.
Courtesy: NDTV