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Sunday, July 07
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Thief leaves apology note after robbing Tamil Nadu house, vows to return items

Mangalore Today News Network / India Today

Tamilnadu, July 4, 2024: A thief robbed the residence of a retired teacher in Tamil Nadu but left an apology note promising to return the stolen items in a month.

Tamilnadu house rob

The intriguing incident happened in Megnanapuram’s Sathankulam road when Selvin and his wife, both retired teachers, left to meet their son in Chennai on June 17.

Tamilnadu house rob

The couple had hired a domestic help, Selvi, to clean the house periodically in their absence. When Selvi visited Selvin’s home on June 26, she was shocked to see the main door open.

She immediately informed Selvin. When he reached his home, Selvin found that he had been robbed of Rs 60,000, 12 gm gold jewellery and a pair of silver anklets.

When police searched Selvin’s home, they found an apology letter purportedly left by the burglar in which he apologised and promised to return the stolen items in a month.

"Forgive me. I will return this in a month. I am doing this if someone in my house is not well," the letter stated.

Megnanapuram police have registered a case and have started an investigation.

A similar incident unfolded last year in Kerala when a thief who stole a gold necklace from a three-year-old child returned the money earned from selling it, along with an apology letter. The incident occurred near Palakkad.

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