mangalore today
Thursday, September 19


Two days on, Mahi stuck in borewell, rescue operations continue

Mangalore Today/ NDTV

Gurgaon, June 23: It’s been more than 48 hours but five-year-old Mahi Upadhyay still remains trapped inside a borewell she fell into. Early this morning rescue operations to pull her out began after it had to be stopped last night due to the presence of a rock that was blocking the area where she is stuck.


mahi in borewel


Officials say the team could not use a drill as it could harm her. So since morning, they are trying to remove the rock manually.

More than 100 officials, mostly from the Army, have drilled a pit parallel to the 50-feet borewell into which she fell on June 20, while playing in her village, Khaow in Manesar near Gurgaon.

Commandos are inside the tunnel to get the child out and doctors on standby to rush the girl to the nearest hospital in the process to rescue her. A team of jawans, who are part of 3 Engineers Regiment from the Delhi Cantonment, are trying to dig a link from the pit to the borewell, to reach to the exact location where the child is stuck. Oxygen is also being continuously supplied to her. But doctors are not saying anything about her condition. 

Two days ago a camera was inserted into the tunnel to find out how Mahi is doing but with each hour passing, hope for Mahi is dwindling away.

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