Chennai, Jan 29, 2019 : In a tragic incident, a priest in Tamil Nadu died after falling from the edge of a pillar where he was standing to perform temple rituals. According to a video that went viral on social media, the priest, who was garlanding the idol, slipped from his place and fell at the base of the temple. The other priests who were around the temple premises came to his rescue and lifted him up. According to reports, the incident took place on Tuesday at a temple in Namakkal in Tamil Nadu. Temple Elephant Plays Mouth Organ at Tamil Nadu Camp, Yahoonews reported.
According to reports, the priest had tripped and hurt himself after falling at the temple base from a certain height. Soon after the incident, was rushed to the nearby hospital sed to a hospital. The doctors could not save his life.
According to media reports, the priest, identified as Venkatesh hurt himself badly. He was rushed to the hospital but couldn’t be saved. A close look at the video shows that the priest, who was garlanding the idol of Anjaneya Swamy, slipped and fell at the base of the temple from a certain height.