New Delhi, Feb 20, 2015: The Supreme Court on Friday ruled that national broadcasters Doordarshan (DD) can show World Cup 2015 cricket matches free of cost. The apex court dismissed the plea of Star Sports - the official broadcasters of the tournament in India - and said that Prasar Bharti can share the feed with cable operators.
Prasar Bharati came to Supreme Court after Delhi High Court ruled that DD can’t share the feed freely with cable operators. The top court had stayed the high court order so that viewers could see the India vs Pakistan match.
Star Sports had argued that it had invested crores of money and it is objecting to DD sharing its feed with cable operators and Star sports is incurring huge loss.
It also said that DD can share the free feed terrestrially but that cable operators have to carry DD channels by law and the cricket matches are shown live on these channels.
Courtesy: NDTV