Pratik Prakashbabu Patil, the minister for youth and sports, visited the office of the Dakshina Kannada District Congress Committee today
The State Government has selected Dharmasthala Dharmadhikari Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade for Karnataka Ratna title for the year 2009.
Team Mangalore, a group of avid kite makers and flyers, will organize the International Kite Festival on Jan 16 – 17 at Panambur Beach, Mangalore
The 21st National Road Safety Week, jointly organized by DK district administration, the police department, and the RTO, under the motto “Life is safe if driving is safe,” was inaugurated today.
Seer of Pejawar Mutt Shri Vishwesha Tirtha Shripada said that the Nagarjuna Company has not publicized any document related to its thermal power project in Nandikur
Karavali Pilikula Expo, a 45-day event organized by Pilikula Nisargadhama Society, was inaugurated on Karavali Utsav Grounds, Mangalore
62 sovereigns of gold worth approximately Rs 7 lac, was stolen from a flat on Azizuddin Road, Bunder on Monday January 11.
Senior seer H. H. Jayendra Saraswathi of Kanchi Kamakoti Mutt, Kanchi, appreciated the Udupi Ashta Mutts during his visit to Udupi Krishna Temple on Jan 11, Monday
Chief General Manager of Corporation Bank died on Monday January 11, 2010 in Mumbai due to heart attack
The curtain came down on the drama over ‘missing’ 21 year old Ramya Shetty, with the arrest of Ramya and Mohammed from a house in Sullia.
Jarkhand (Rajyasabha) MP Mabel Rebello, recipient of Rachana Outstanding Woman of the Year Award, interacted with the postgraduate students of Fr. Muller Medical College.
Eminent entertainment groups from all over the nation presented the choicest of musical performances on the last day of Alva’s Virasat 2010.
‘Rachana Awards’, instituted by the Catholic Chamber of Commerce and Industry, were conferred on five eminent Catholic personalities for their dedicated service to the society.
The National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation organized a formal programme at Town Hall on Jan 10, Sunday, in order to distribute a variety of facilities to minority beneficiaries.
The Bishop of Mangalore Rev.Dr.ALOYSIUS P.D’SOUZA, was received ceremoniously at the church main gate, along with other dignitaries by the Parish Priest Fr.Walter D’Mello...