Mangalore, Mar 28, 2014: The quarter final event of the popular comedy reality show ‘Bale Thelipaale Season-II” was held on March 23, Sunday at Shastavu Shree Bhoothanaeshwara Temple premises at Badaga Yedapadavu, Mijar, Mangalore.
The programme is jointly organised by the Temple Trust in association with Namma TV. A total of 16 teams have now made it to the Semi Finals of the event.
As many as 24 teams participated in the Quarter Final event. They included the Top 8 teams of Bale Thelipaale Season-I who got a direct entry.
Paakhi Hegde, popular Bhojpuri Actress who was one of the judges, lauded the organisers for such a wonderful concept called ‘Bale Thelipaale’ and said the event has helped in bringing out several talents to the mainstream.
She also entertained the audience by dancing to the tune of a song along with the Friends Mangalore Team who were in dressed as Cheer Girls.
Vijaynath Vittal Shetty, Chief Organiser, thanked everyone who extended their wholehearted encouragement to Bale Thelipaale. He also handed over a special prize of Rs 10,000 to the Friends Mangalore Team which gave a superlative performance in the quarter finals.
Dr Shivasharan Shetty of Namma TV also participated as a judge. Naveen Shetty compered the programme.
Bale Thelipaale Season II will be telecast in a serialised form by Namma TV.